Thai Boxing Techniques: An Excerpt

It is an ancient martial art now extremely popular across the world. Broadly, Thai Boxing Norwich is fought using punches, Kicks, elbows and knee strike. It involves entire body movement of the fighter to execute the techniques perfectly. The same goes with Kick Boxing Norwich and Martial Art Norwich. These two are now practiced in the various parts of the world. The combat sport requires a lot of agility adept moves from the fighters in the ring. The fighters have to strive hard and learn all the popular techniques of the sport in order to rule the ring. Though, there are many strategies associated with the sport, below mentioned is an overview of some of these popular techniques:
Punching also known as ‘Chok’, this technique was quite limited in use during the inception period of Thai boxing. The tactic is executed with straight arm and tightly close fist hitting forcefully on combatant face. This tactic is used as a safety measure to guard the fighter against the strikes from elbow and knees by the opponent. Though, now tactic is cross fertilized with western boxing. Punches are now used in straight, uppercut, corkscrew and shovel manner. 
Elbow, the tactic is also known as ‘Ti Sok’.  The tactic allows to use the elbows as a striking weapon. In the Thai Boxing Norwich the elbow is used in variety of ways, including performing uppercut, diagonal- downward movements, backward spinning and flying. Among these the most powerful one is the diagonal elbows. The elbow can be used as single or in follow up manner.  Single elbow is used to hit the single elbow strike away from other movement, but in case of follow-up elbow second strike is hit upon the combatant with same arm. The tactic is the best applied when there is a short distance between the fighters.
Kicking, the tactic is also abbreviated as’ Te’. Commonly, there are two types of kicks used in Thai Boxing Norwich. The first one is known as ‘thip’ and the second one the ‘roundhouse’ kick. The roundhouse kick is highly adopted by any combat sport practitioners. Thai roundhouse kick is delivered using the rotational movements of entire body. The roundhouse kick is best encountered by blocking the kick through fighter’s shin.  Though, if the counter attempt failed in any case then the fighter may land up hurting himself. Moreover, Muay Thai also includes many other types of kicking that includes, side kick and spinning back kick. However, these kicks are used rarely.
Knee also known as ‘Ti Khao’ is of three varieties that include Jumping Knee Strike, Flying Knee Strike, and Straight knee strike. The jumping knee strike is executed when the fighter slight moves up one leg in the air and strike with that leg’s knee to the opponent. While flying knee strike is performed with the fighter jumps in the forward direction off one leg and strike hard with the knee.  And straight knee is performed by simply thrusting the leg in the forward direction.


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