Advantages of Reseller Hosting

What is Reseller Hosting?
The exact meaning of reseller hosting is, domain owner seeks the right to use his/her given portion on hard disk along with bandwidth to host website for someone else. In exact terms, reseller obtains the host’s services on wholesale rate, then he/she sell bought place to customer. Mainly, reseller hosting is done to earn profit. The reseller exacting procures the permission to exchange disk space and bandwidth to subscriber without renting the main server. In layman terms, reseller plays the role of mediator who sells web space on someone else server.

Who can be Reseller

There are no exact rules to be reseller. It can be a web designing company, web developer or system integrator.  Exactly it is a type of cheap web hosting, most suitable for small scale entrepreneurs, or anybody who is just staring his/her venture. Moreover, reseller is not required to know in depth technical aspects of web hosting. A reseller is free to choose his/her exact pricing structure. Mostly, resellers use customized control panels and server names to create their branding. A reseller is only responsible to associate with his/her customers, any discrepancy related to hardware or software is simply forwarded to server provider. As reseller has to sell out few dollars as host fee, so it can prove as profitable business. A reseller may have to spend hefty in advertisement to get customers. If you wish to compete to established brands then you have to plan large budget in advertising.  Mind these if you wish to be a reseller-
Exactly, a reseller needs to buy large block of space and bandwidth from the web hosting company, then only he/she would be able to carve it into small slab, to be sold with multiple customers. Though, reseller appears in web hosting company in his own right, but usually customer contact him for support. Exactly a reseller rebadges somebody else’s services. Remember, every website needs to be host, so being reseller can be a profitable business, if you plan your strategy smarty.

For whom reselling is useful?  

Mostly vendors need small space and bandwidth to meet out their requirement, this can easily be fulfilled with reseller hosting. In exact words, reselling is an effective tool to break into web hosting industry.  Exactly, it is a lucrative business minus the woes of server maintained and interfacing with data centers. A reseller can easily move to having his own semi dedicated or dedicated server. So question arises who exactly need a reseller in nutshell? Well, I’ll try to answer, may be you will find exact answer.  1- Reseller is useful for small vendors who wish expand themselves, but somehow not ready for dedicated server. 2- Individual who required large space and bandwidth to host, or anybody who having multiple domain name, and he looking for the option to host from the single account rather than scattering to multiple accounts. Exactly, Reselling is also useful for those vendors who owns a popular domain and needs excess band width


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