Herbal remedy for depression

Bleakness, inadequacy, and indifference are few common characteristic of depression. Typically, these symptoms remain permanent visible in the depression.  The highly complex disease depression can be caused owing to numerous reasons. Prolong illness, stress, any type of physical or emotional abuse, sudden death of near ones could be some handful reasons for occurring depression. Moreover, many a times it could be genetic.  The level of depression can be mild to extreme. But, in many case, the treatment from natural wholesome and quite inexpensive Herbal method is always effective. Below are the herbal remedies for depression: -

Treatment through St John’s wort

It is quite effective natural medicine in beating the depression. It is a pill made from the yellow flowering hedgerow plant. More than million people across the world are benefitted by popping the pill regularly. Moreover, the remedy is quite effective for the people who are at high risk of stroke or taking the contraceptive pill. However, the patients who are already taking various other medicines should consult their pharmacist first, and then they should start taking the pill.


It is a type of fatty acid which is extracted from fish oil. It is derived from fish not flax seeded. It is quite effective in beating the depression. The other health benefit from Omega-3 acid includes cardiovascular health, and more. The side effects of the medicine are quite rare. In fact, most of time side effects are negligible.  So, it is a quite safe medicine to beat the depression.

S-Adenosyl Methionine

This is yet another herbal medicine to beat depression. It is commonly pronounced as Sammy, SAM or SAM-e. It is a natural compound quite useful in alleviating the symptoms of depression. The consumption of S-Adenosyl Methionine results in synthesizing the brain which labialized the important neurotransmitters owing to which depressed state is cured.


 “Chinese Prozac” is yet another quite effective medicine to fight against depression. The berries of Schisandra chinensis help in uplifting the mood, thus, providing the relief to stressed out people.  Moreover, the medicine effects positively on adrenal glands through their “adaptogen” properties, enhance libido, and aid the liver’s detoxification. Adrenal gland support is imperative for people “running on empty” and under chronic stress.
 The standard dosage for an adult is 2 capsules of 500 mg twice a day. First capsule should be popped with breakfast another with lunch.  Owing to the adaptogen properties, abstain from taking this herb in the evening as we want it to support the adrenal glands when they are the most active.


 Passiflora incarnata is an ultimate savior for the people who are gripped under depression. Take a close look at your depression patter, and if you observe that you are REALLY stressed out, then an herb like passionflower might more helpful to you than an anti-depressant herb. However, both can also be used. Passion flower extract at 45 drops daily (tincture) is as effective as oxazepam (similar to valium).

B-vitamins- B-12, cyanocobalmin, is needed for the production of the myelin conductive sheath that insulates the neurons of our nervous system, adequate B-12 is thus critical to a healthy nervous system. B-vitamins are highly cheap alternative to combat against depression.  Nutritional deficiency can also cause depression. Multi-vitamin dosages make sure that should not be the case. B-vitamins along with standard multi-vitamin doses are most likely safe to pop with anti-depressants and most medications.

It is a quick fix for reducing the stress, muscle tension, and insomnia associated with depression. Magnesium helps SAMe donate methyl groups to form neurotransmitters, and is also needed for muscle relaxation. Moreover, it is beneficial for constipation, muscle cramping, torticollis, acute angina after myocardial infarction, stroke, asthma, kidney stone prevention, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, acute gastrointestinal spasms or cramping, eclampisa, heart disease especially cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus, nocturnal muscle cramping, mitral valve prolapse, toxemia of pregnancy, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, lead toxicity, and fatigue.
Right dose of Calcium has proven effect on hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, blood clotting, periodontal disease, insomnia, smooth and skeletal muscle relaxation, anxiety, hyperactivity, lead toxicity, prevention of calcium oxalate stones, prevention of colon cancer, and leg cramps.
With that being said this medicine can be a bit expensive, but is certainly worth a try! Do NOT combine this natural anti-depressant with prescription anti-depressants. I typically prescribe about 250 mg of 5-HTP on an empty stomach once or twice daily. This is pretty mega considering that most capsules start at 50mg, but the 200mg to 300mg range is what appears to work best.

5-HTP is also beneficial for insomnia, pain syndromes, schizophrenia, anorexia and bulimia, PMS, and migraine headaches. Excess tryptophan in the body is converted to serotonin (makes us happy) and melatonin (makes us sleepy). So if you have depression with insomnia this should work well for you.
Do not take more than 1000 IU of vitamin D without being monitored by your doctor. Even If, you are deficient in vitamin D and start a 2000 IU daily dose it will take about 1 week to raise your vitamin D levels 1 point.

Top food for beating the depression

Brown rice

It is an assortment of vitamin B1, B3 and frolic acid. It is a low-glycemic food, which is an ultimate source of glucose. Glucose prevents the sugar lows and mood swings. It is also a treasure of many useful minerals. However, instant variety of brown rice is abstained from all these essentials. So make sure, do not buy the abstain version while purchasing the brown rice.
Brewer’s Yeast
It contains vitamin B1, B2, B3. Moreover, it is a compilation of 16 amino acids, and 14 minerals. It is quite essential in combating the depression. However, it you cannot digest the yeast well, and then you should avoid this food.

It contains the Vitamin C and frolic acid in replete.  Include this food item into your diet either in raw form or stir fried form and beat the depression. 

Common preventions during depressions

First of all, adopt a healthy life style. It curbs the chances of depression. Moreover, if the depression is cured once, a healthy life style does not let it bounce back again. A healthy life style includes regular exercising, balanced and healthy eating and regular adequate sleep. Moreover, you must remain abstain from drinking alcohol or consuming any type of drug. 


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